Black Ops' Camper

While black ops have a variety of vehicles to choose from. Sometimes there missions are long and they need a base of operation. It is all the better when that base of operations is mobile. This is why the black ops travel trailer was invented. It looks like one of those huge travel trailer retiries use to tour the country. This makes it pretty hard to spot. It allows up to three black ops to sleep at once. It is also has fair amount of armor on it.

Subassemblies and Body Features: standard wheels (4 wheels )
Propulsion: TL8 200.00 kW wheeled drivetrain (Bo, HP 17, 220.00 lbs., 4.40 cf., $2,200.00, 200.00 kW).
Communications: TL8 radio communicator with long range (Bo, HP 2, 10.00 lbs., 0.20 cf., $600.00, 0.04 kW, 1,000.00 mile range).
Sensors: TL8 PESA, 5.00 mile range (BoF, HP 3, 20.00 lbs., 0.40 cf., $80,000.00, 0.01 kW, Scan 15).
Audio/Visual: TL8 sound system option (Bo, HP 4, 10.00 lbs., 0.50 cf., $200.00, 0.01 kW). TL8 flight recorder option (Bo, HP 4, 10.00 lbs., 0.50 cf., $200.00, 0.01 kW).
Navigation: TL8 military GPS (Bo, HP 1, 1.00 lbs., 0.02 cf., $750.00, 0.01 kW). TL8 transponder (Bo, HP 1, 2.50 lbs., 0.05 cf., $500.00, 0.01 kW).
Computers: TL8 minicomputer (Bo, HP 6, 40.00 lbs., 0.80 cf., $15,000.00, 0.01 kW, Complexity 3). TL8 terminal (Bo, HP 10, 40.00 lbs., 2.00 cf., $1,000.00, 0.01 kW).
Miscellaneous: TL8 mutable license plate (Bo, HP 3, 1.00 lbs., 0.30 cf., $500.00, 0.01 kW).
Vehicle Controls: TL8 mechanical controls (0.00 lbs., 0.00 cf., $0.00).
Crew Stations: Pilot controls everything from Two TL8 normal crew stations (Bo, HP 60 each, total of 60.00 lbs., 60.00 cf., $200.00).
Occupancy: long. Two crew station operators.
Accommodations: Three TL8 normal seats (Bo, HP 60 each, total of 90.00 lbs., 90.00 cf., $300.00). Three TL8 bunks (Bo, HP 150 each, total of 600.00 lbs., 300.00 cf., $300.00).
Environmental Systems: TL8 environmental control supports 8 people (Bo, HP 6, 40.00 lbs., 0.80 cf., $400.00, 2.00 kW).
Safety Systems: Two TL8 airbags (Bo, HP 6 each, total of 20.00 lbs., 2.00 cf., $400.00, 0.00 kW ).
Power Systems: TL8 2,000.00 kWs lead-acid battery (Bo, HP 2, 40.00 lbs., 0.20 cf., $50.00). Powers the flight recorder, radio communicator, military GPS with 1999.94 kW in reserve. TL8 205.00 kW HP gasoline engine - supercharged (Bo, HP 27, 471.25 lbs., 9.43 cf., $18,850.00, uses 9.23 gph gasoline). Powers the wheeled drivetrain, sound system, minicomputer, terminal, transponder, PESA, mutable license plate, environmental control with 2.940033 kW in reserve.
Fuel: TL8 50.00 gal. light self-sealing fuel tank (Bo, HP 24, 25.00 lbs., 7.50 cf., $1,000.00, fire -2). Holds 50.00 gal. gasoline (300.00 lbs, fire +11)
Space: 50.00 cf cargo (Bo). Access space (Body 27.66 cf).
Surface Area: Body 500.00. wheels 100.00. total 600.00.
Structure: Body - medium frame with standard materials. wheels - medium frame with standard materials.
Hit Points: Body 750, wheels 75.
Body armor: PD 3, DR 12 standard ablative (576.00 lbs., $288.00).
Statistics: Empty weight 4,676.75 lbs., Internal payload 1,400.00 lbs., Loaded weight 6,376.75 lbs., Volume 612.44 cf. Size modifier 4. Cost $152,738.00. HT 12
Performance: Speed 125.00 mph. gAccel 6.00 mph/s. gDecel 10.00 mph/s. gSR 4. gMR 0.5. high ground pressure. Off road speed 20.83 mph/s.