Name: Ling Std Luxury Grav Car (TL12)

Copyright (c) May, 2001

The ling std grav car is a wonderous vehicle to drive. It has a nice cruising speed and can travel almost a unlimited amount of time. It is not for the average worker but those who would drive a pricey car in the current day. It is fast and most of all classy

Subassemblies and Body Features: superior streamlining.

Propulsion: TL12 250.00 kW ducted fan with 1,000.00 lbs. thrust (Bo, HP 7, 118.00 lbs., 1.18 cf., $4,720.00, 250.00 kW).

Aerostatic Lift: TL12 4,000.00 lb. lift contragrav generator (Bo, HP 4, 24.00 lbs., 0.48 cf., $2,600.00, 4.00 kW).

Communications: TL12 radio communicator with medium range (Bo, HP 1, 0.25 lbs., 0.00 cf., $50.00, 0.01 kW, 5,000.00 mile range).

Sensors: TL12 PESA, 5.00 mile range (BoF, HP 1, 2.50 lbs., 0.05 cf., $10,000.00, 0.01 kW, Scan 15).

Audio/Visual: TL12 recon camera option (Bo, HP 6, 50.00 lbs., 1.00 cf., $2,500.00, 0.01 kW).

Navigation: TL12 global positioning system (Bo, HP 1, 0.25 lbs., 0.00 cf., $50.00, 0.01 kW). TL12 terrain following radar (Bo, HP 1, 1.25 lbs., 0.03 cf., $500.00, 0.25 kW). TL12 transponder (Bo, HP 1, 2.50 lbs., 0.05 cf., $500.00, 0.01 kW).

Computers: TL12 small computer, dedicated (Bo, HP 1, 0.25 lbs., 0.00 cf., $50.00, 0.01 kW, Complexity 6).

Vehicle Controls: TL12 computerized controls (0.00 lbs., 0.00 cf., $1,000.00).

Crew Stations: Pilot controls everything fromTwo TL12 normal crew stations (Bo, HP 60 each, total of 60.00 lbs., 60.00 cf., $200.00).

Occupancy: short. Two crew station operators.

Accommodations: Two TL12 normal seats (Bo, HP 60 each, total of 60.00 lbs., 60.00 cf., $200.00).

Environmental Systems: TL12 limited life system supports 4 people for 4 man-days (Bo, HP 16, 200.00 lbs., 4.00 cf., $2,000.00, 2.00 kW).

Power Systems: TL12 257.00 kW nuclear power unit (Bo, HP 5, 60.40 lbs., 0.60 cf., $20,000.00, lasts 10.00 yrs). Powers the contragrav generator, ducted fan, recon camera, radio communicator, small computer, global positioning system, terrain following radar, transponder, PESA, limited life system with 0.690033 kW in reserve.

Space: 60.00 cf cargo (Bo). Access space (Body 1.78 cf).

Surface Area: Body 250.00. total 250.00.

Structure: Body - medium frame with standard materials.

Hit Points: Body 375.

Body armor: PD 4, DR 16 standard composite (160.00 lbs., $800.00).

Surface Features: sealed.

Statistics: Empty weight 989.40 lbs., Internal payload 1,600.00 lbs., Loaded weight 2,589.40 lbs., Volume 245.92 cf. Size modifier 3. Cost $85,670.00. HT 12 flight: Stall Speed 0.00 mph. Aerial motive thrust 1,000.00 lbs. Aerodynamic drag 25. Top speed 550.00 mph. aAccel 8.00 mph/s. aMR 5. aSR 4. aDecel 20.00 mph/s.