
Cybernetics started as the science of how the body talked to itself. Then later it was used to define how the body and machines talk to each other. This section is also about Bionics is the study of the body to model machines after biological systems. In Rifts® this has a lot of different connotations but we will try to sort all that out.

Cybernetics: This in Rifts® is used to replacement of biological or the improvement of biological based function. This is general common market stuff, although some of it may be illegal.

Bionics: This is hardware that allows a person to far exceed the human norm. This tends to be a heavy-duty hardware upgrade. The between cybernetic and bionic is a little fuzzy. In general the average guy on the street will find it hard to score bionics.

Bio-systems: This is a mixture of cloning and nano-technology to create a semi-synthetic system. The things that make these remarkable is that it does not hamper psionics or magic.

Nano-technology: These are tiny machines that are used to manipulate the body down to a cellular level. They tend not to affect Psionics or Magic

Bioware: This can be thought of as wet tech. It generally uses nano-technology to alter a person physiology. It may or may not require the nano-technology to maintain but the result is a difference in how the body operates.

Genetic Engineering: This is the study of the DNA structure and methods of manipulation. Most species have something similar and this covers them also. Frequently someone will specialize in a general type of creature.

Chemical Enhancement: This is the use of chemicals to enhance ones body. This would include the classic juicer.

Magical Enhancements: One cannot forget the powers of magical enhancement. This includes spells, tattoos, and miscellaneous magical enhancements.

Source Levels

As you know not all cyberware is of the same quality and standards. A piece found in a chop shop in the burbs is going to look a whole lot different than a experimental advanced piece on Phase World. So I divided sources into five levels.

Source Level I: It’s a cheap knock-off of a substandard design. A good description of what would find in a illegal chop shop in the burbs.

Source Level II: This is what would be standard for Coalition to have. It is a fair standard but still not the best.

Source Level III: This would be a source like Japan or Russia. Clearly ahead of anything the coalition has to offer as standard fare.

Source Level IV: This is the good stuff. This is Something designed by Nurani would make. This is the best you should be able to find.

Source Level V: This is the stuff that should not be. This would be stuff Nuarni will hunt you for. Shouldn’t see the light of day in the game unless you put in someone to slap players around.

Generally shift down one level for street clinics, shift up for prototype and cutting edge stuff.

While this is for cyberware, it will be used for the other types of body modifications