Light Utility Truck

This is a light utility truck that most people use like a pickup truck. It is not exceptionally but is sufficient to do most work necessary. It has good cargo capacity and most important for the locals is that it is affordable.

Model: Light Cargo Truck
Class: Truck
Crew: One driver has room for two more in cab
M.D.C.™ by location:
Main Body 30 M.D.C.™
Tires 5 M.D.C.™ each
Land 70 Mph on road , 40 mph off road
Statistical Data:
Height: 6 feet at top of cab, 4 feet at box
Width: 6.5 feet width
Length: 14 feet length
Cargo: 1500 pounds in a 8x6.5x2 foot area in back. It is uncovered and can be stacked higher
Power: Gas or alcohol
Range: Tank is 25 gallons and gets 20 mpg on gas, 15 on alcohol
Cost: 40,000 credits new, frequently bought used
Weapon Systems:
optional Sometimes has a tripod to steady a rifle. Most folks don't bother, since a single shot of a railgun can destroy the truck. This is strictly a non-combat vehicle Since it has less armor than many body armor