
Some say the Patak are the sewage of the galaxy. They would argue that, maybe the rats. For even rats have a purpose. THe Patack can be described as small smelly humanois with a list of disgusting habits so long that you might never be able to name them all.

Physically the appear about 4 feet tall (1.2m). If they are clean enough to see their skin it appears yellows green mottle. Their hair is almost always a lack luster black. They are bipeds, with a general humanoid shape. Their hands have six fingers on them. They are somewhat heavier for their height than a human. Their eyes are grey to violet

The Patak are scavngers. They are small smelly and eat anything. They are capable of eating any animal and vegitable matter dead or alive. They seem virtually immune to all injested poisons. Watching a Patak eat is really disgusting. They perfer their food somewhat rotten and moldy. THey say it adds taste. As such they are quite capable survivng under extreme conditions. While everyone around them may be starving the Patak are still reasonably pudgy. They also breed pretty quick.

This has caused them to end up being the garbage eaters of many societies. The coalition finds them very frustrating. They are firmly entrenched in the burbs and there is not a whole lot the coalition can do about it. They are everywhere, and they are so smelly they can make a dogboy cry. They are not overly bright and are a bit stupid even. They are not taken seriously by most. They seem to collect around cities since it is so much easier to get someone else garbage if they are all togeather.

Some xenobiologist have become concerned. Originally it was believed that 1 in a thousand Patak were superior, It now seems to be one in a hundred. They fear this number may be growing. While physically the same as all other Patak they are mentally head and sholders above them. They tend to hide in plain sight with all the other Patak but they can be spell casters and love to use magic. These are real threat since they are ignored until it is too late.

Alignment: Anarchist or miscreant (Aberrant)
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+2 (3d6+3), M.E. 3d6, M.A 2d6, P.S. 2d6+1, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 3d6+3 P.B. d6+3, Spd. 3d6
Hit Points: P.E + 1d6 a level
S.D.C.™: 20+ those from class or skill
Natural Armor Rating: None
Horror Factor: None
P.P.E™: 2d6 or by class
Natural Abilities: +6 to all poison saves,
Combat: Two attacks even if they have no other combat skills
Bonuses: +1 roll with punch (they get kicked alot)
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 50 years (120 years)
O.C.C™: most are city rats with ocassional vagabond. (favor magic using classes including witches and shifters)
Skills Of Note: None
Habitat: Perfer cities were people cast away garbage
Enemies: None
Allies: None
Size: 4 foot tall (1.2m)
Weight: Weight 55 pounds (25kg)
Notes: Stats in parentheses represent the uplifted version of the Patak