Purpose: The purpose of this memo is to give a high level over view of a secret project called Operation Falling Angel.

Falling Angel is a project to assist the member worlds of the alliance known as Lords of Vision to better prepare for potential threats from external sources. The project has dangerous political ramifications if a foreign entity should become cognizant of the actions taken by the governing body of Lords of Vision

The operation has three distinct parts each running simultaneously each without knowledge of the other. The first objective and the one that carries with it the greatest risk is that of scientific espionage. The second is that of acquisition of physical capital assist in a bootstrap campaign, and the last objective is that of acquisition of financial resources.

The first objective shall be carried out by a series of teams whose job is to acquire sensitive knowledge from multiple sources and return it to the alliance. This will include the both targets in the public and private sector, and will be for multiple scientific disciplines.

The second objective the acquisition of physical property will include ships, industrial hardware, medical supplies, biological material, and computer hardware. This also will come from multiple sources and will first target private interest but later will have a scope widen to include public targets.

Third objective will include the acquisition of financial assets from both legal and illegal sources. Focus will be to increase assets to legally acquire materials needed to further develop the alliance.

The upcoming hostilities will be used as cover for these actions. The whole operation will act independently many not knowing the true objective so if a single cell is caught they will not be able to divulge information about the whole operation.

Currently we are ramping up our intelligence services so that we are capable of carrying out our objectives
